The History of Black Rose

  • The Rise & Fall of the Original BlackRose

    The Rise & Fall of the Original BlackRose

    The original BlackRose. began out of the highsec system of Erme. Initially it was co-founded between the corporations Fiction. & Black Sand Management, a corporation which ran a small Fortizar out of Erme. Fiction rapidly grew at the height of the COVID pandemic when EVE Online was seeing a massive influx of new players trying out the game. Shortly after founding we formed a small wormhole branch of BlackRose where we gained plentiful experience in PvP prior to moving to nullsec.

    After some time one of our members brought forth some contacts in nullsec they could reach out to and help us start the move to nullsec. We ended up moving to Scalding Pass far ahead of our original nullsec move schedule where we lived out of Sedition's sov space. Within a few months we ended up getting our own space setting up a Fortizar in K7-LDX. Taking sov within a few months of founding as an alliance consisting of mostly brand new players was rough, we spent a lot of our time being cloaky camped by a Chinese alliance called Guardians of Tranquility who lived out of Curse NPC nullsec.

    After months of being camped and back and forth fights against Guardians of Tranquility we eventually turned our attention to the region of Immensea where a renter, unhappy with their agreement with Dreadbomb would sell us a Sotiyo and several other structures within their space at a dirt cheap price. As a result Rekking Crew, Dreadbomb's coalition, would call Goonswarm to bring their supercapital fleet and kill the Sotiyo as it was in the heart of Rekking's Crews Immensea space.

    Shortly afterwards Hyziri would step down due to real life issues and the alliance would be taken over by Botterdief Tsero and later Uthar Thiesant and SonnySays after a lot of Drama involving Botterdief's leadership. They would end up picking up a large portion of Immensea space, living there for several months before leaving FI.RE due to drama involving a corporation. They would move to faction warfare space where they would eventually disband.

  • The Rise & Fall of Nocturne.

    The Rise & Fall of Nocturne.

    Close to a year after quitting EVE Online, Hyziri would eventually come back to EVE and found the alliance Nocturne. along with Shad Ambs who would leave a few months later for wormhole space. Early on Rytsuki would join us in our highsec starting system of Azerakish who would be relevant later on in the story of current day Black Rose. We would live out of Azerakish very briefly before S R S. would eventually wardec us and blow up our highsec structures for the loot to fund their customs offices.

    Disheartened by the loss of our highsec structures we would seek to rejoin FI.RE coalition who would welcome Nocturne & Hyziri back despite the drama involving the BlackRose Sotiyo Loss. We would take space surrounding QE-E1D not far from BlackRose. Not long after the drama with BlackRose & FI.RE would begin and result in BlackRose leaving, Nocturne would then pickup their space, vastly overextending ourselves in the process trying to maintain all of this space.

    After a month we would begin to stabilize our space amounting to 22 systems in total & would grow more and more each day giving us the members we need to fill the space out. Unfortunately around this time both The Imperium & PanFam would declare war on FI.RE and evict us out of our space swiftly due to massively outnumbering and outgunning FI.RE Coalition. As a result the Southeastern agreement would be formed which would not be renewed after the first year.

    Nocturne & FI.RE coalition would move up to the Northeast to join B2 coalition consisting of Brave Collective & WE FORM BL0B who would be actively be at war with Winter Coalition consisting mainly of Fraternity. Not long after Hyziri would once again step down for IRL issues and pass executor to Azrael Hunts.

    After a short period of time living in the Northeast Nocturne would then move to lowsec space where they would slowly begin to lose members before their main corporation Nocturne Inc. would leave the alliance and join Literally Triggered who took over Nocturne's old space in Immensea.

    Eventually Nocturne Inc would continue to slowly lose members before fading entirely, while the corporation & alliance have not been officially disbanded most of their members have split off elsewhere with a handful of the core members now part of modern day Black Rose.

  • New Black Rose is Founded

    New Black Rose is Founded

    Hyziri would once again return to EVE Online, not yet grasping the definition of insanity, and would co-found Black Rose. once again with Rytsuki. We would begin briefly out of Scuelazyns in the region of Everyshore before recruiting our first corporation Spice Mining Defenders Corporation who would have a few hundred members at the time. At Spice Mining Defender's request we would move to 0.5 space as part of their conditions to join & start to place down structures as they heavily requested that we have athanors for their members to mine.

    We would be hesitant at first to place down structures fearing losing them similar to the way Nocturne lost their structures in Azerakish to S R S but we would be presented a plan to use a holding alt corp with alpha clone alts trained into Tornados we would hand out in the event of a wardec. We would put the plan into place and anchor our first Azbel.

  • The 1st Defense of Sigga.

    The 1st Defense of Sigga.

    Not even a week after the Azbel finished anchoring Nullsechnaya Scholupen would declare war on us shortly after anchoring our staging Azbel, using the corporation Noob Corp Inc as the wardec corporation. We would scramble to get the Tornados arranged, ultimately having to take care of it ourselves due to Spice Mining Defenders only providing a small portion of the quantity needed. We would see our structures get reinforced swiftly after the wardec began and we would begin roaming around in Thrasher fleets killing wardeccer ships.

    Eventually the time would come to defend the BlackRose Azbel and we would undock a sizeable amount of Tornados to defend the Azbel, killing multiple wardeccer ships in the process. The war would eventually come to an end when one of our members, in an odd twist of fate, would hire S R S to kill Noob Corp Inc's war headquarters which would end the war.

  • The War Against White Sky.

    The War Against White Sky.

    Following the defense of Sigga we would spend our time ramping up recruitment & moon mining, aiming to have several moon mining fleets a week out of Sigga. When we anchored our staging Azbel we anchored it directly on the adjacent lowsec system Makhwasan's gate with the intent of branching out to this nearby lowsec as we continued to grow. While we had yet to establish an official presence, members would occasionally wander into Makhwasan and get killed by a player who would multibox multiple alts (Kerikus Arma, Emma Mach, Cyrano Duvak), camping these systems all throughout the European timezone and early North American time.

    Eventually The Vogon Poets Armada would reach out and offer us reduced taxes on their reactions athanor setup in Makhwasan which would unfortunately get destroyed not long afterwards. They would attempt to re-anchor which unfortunately would finish while they were busy with real life and so the 2nd one would get destroyed by the local campers. Finally a 3rd one would anchor which this time we would form a sizeable Ferox fleet to defend, the locals would then recognize our relationship with Vogon Poets.

    The Vogon Poets athanor would once again get reinforced by allies of White Sky. known as No Forks Given. We would defend the structure and would notice the hostile fleet fleeing and docking inside a White Sky athanor located in Makhwasan. We would immediately reinforce the White Sky athanor and not long afterwards White Sky would begin to gank our members in highsec, we would speak with their alliance leader and eventually come to an agreement to not mess with each others structures nor gank in highsec. Unfortunately this agreement would be broken by White Sky shortly afterwards who would be upset that we killed one of their members in lowsec.

    The ganking would continue, resulting in many barge losses as well as an Orca. We would begin to refit our Orcas, blinging them out to be near impossible to kill in highsec without a significant amount of Taloses as well as sitting jamming Blackbirds & Falcons on grid and using rookie ships to trigger CONCORD before the gankers even start shooting. White Sky would fail multiple ganks as a result (1, 2), even at times using a titan to bridge Taloses to adjacent lowsecs to try to gank us before we noticed them coming.

    Multiple times we attempted to de-escalate the war, reaching out to White Sky leadership to try to come to an agreement but they would be unwilling to work with us, intending to force us out of the region entirely. White Sky would mention our members being toxic towards them but would refuse to provide any proof until eventually we found one of our members to be saying especially heinous things to White Sky's members, we were somewhat aware of this due to the member mentioning it in voice chat but we brushed it off initially. Eventually we did a full investigation and blacklisted this member entirely despite them being one of our core members due to a clear violation of our rules of being respectful to all EVE players.

    The height of the war would be when we would reinforce White Sky's athanor in retaliation to their ganking, when all else failed on diplomacy we hyped up our members and formed our largest fleet yet, forming upwards of 70 people in one fleet for the final timer of the White Sky athanor in Makhwasan. Had it been White Sky alone defending we would've won the fight, unfortunately they called Shadow Cartel to help defend them against a newbie alliance formed only 4 months ago. We decided to take the fight anyways despite being slightly outnumbered so that we didn't massively formup only to deny our members a fight. Unfortunately we did not win the objective but gave many of our newer members a taste of what mid sized fights look like in EVE Online & that experience alone was well worth the cost.

  • The 2nd Defense of Sigga

    The 2nd Defense of Sigga

    After the fight in Makhwasan the war against White Sky would start to die down but not long afterwards Domain Research and Mining Inst. would declare war on us using a handful of multboxers to reinforce our structures. We'd once again prep Toxic Rose for structure defense using Tornados which we would find to be ineffective against their Kikimora fleets but would instead plan for something bigger for the later timers.

    By this point S R S was long since dead, calling for assistance was not an option as our only allies were nullsec groups out of the region of Scalding Pass which we would assist with objectives occasionally. We would see better success with Tornados in our second fight against Domain Research and Mining Inst, killing a significant amount of their multiboxer's vexors but it was still a very close fight with us slightly in the red.

    We would begin talks with Synergy of Steel about joining Phoenix Coalition regardless of the outcome of this war. The final fight with Domain Research and Mining Inst would begin and we would in preparation move all of our PvPers to another corp and move it into an alliance with Toxic Rose to pull our more active PvPers into the war so we are no longer limited to just Tornados.

    In the end we successfully defended our Azbel as a 5 month old newbie alliance against the combined forces Domain Research and Mining Inst & No Forks Given totalling about 80+ pilots. We lost only a single Raitaru out of 9 structures simply due to not switching to Caracals sooner in the fight. We also had our largest formup yet with almost 100 pilots between Black Rose & our alt alliance Twilight led by Rytsuki who joined us as a newbie back when Nocturne was first founded in the fight for Sigga. We would then begin the unanchor process for the rest of our structures and move to Phoenix Coalition to get closer to our goal of taking nullsec space.

  • Black Rose Joins Phoenix Coalition

    Black Rose Joins Phoenix Coalition

    On the 4th of May we would place down the new staging Azbel out of Torrinos 1 jump from Phoenix Coalition held nullsec which would officially mark the transition to join Phoenix Coalition.

    We would gain access to fleets & shared ratting space and would begin taking part in coalition activities, working our way towards taking nullsec space of our own.

  • Black Rose Takes Nullsec Sov

    Black Rose Takes Nullsec Sov

    We would eventually pick up nullsec space out of Pure Blind a few months later not far from Torrinos ahead of our original 1 year timeline of getting nullsec space, instead accomplishing it by month 10. We would end up becoming war eligible as a result and so Black Rose would become a fully nullsec focused alliance while Embellishment would become our highsec division.

    Not long after we would get our first official wardec against Black Rose itself rather than an alt corp. A corporation called Beyond Remorse would wardec us hoping to get easy kills only to get their war HQ reinforced and swiftly destroyed a few days later.

  • The War for Detorid

    The War for Detorid

    While establishing ourselves in Pure Blind, Phoenix Coalition would assist Legion of xXDeathXx in Detorid with various war objectives, 1 of which was a fight over a Weapons of Mass Production Fortizar which resulted in a sizeable fight involving Goonswarm and several capitals from Weapons of Mass Production.